Pawan Kalyan Jesus Christ film on Aug 30 ?

Is Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s Jesus Christ film starting on Aug 30? Looks like, as Pawan Kalyan is slowly making arrangements for Jesus Christ movie. This Pawan Kalyan Jesus Christ movie is directed by renowned Telugu movie Singeetham Srinivasa Rao and produced by Konda Krishnam Raju under Aditya Arts banner.

Pawan Kalyan is playing a cameo in this film that will be made in Hollywood standards in Telugu, Hindi, English and Malayalam. Further, this movie might be even dubbed in foreign languages. And Pawan Kalyan plays the role who nails Jesus Christ onto holy cross.

This Pawan Jesus Christ film shooting is scheduled in July, but is did not happen. And as such, the makers are planning to start the shooting by August end at Jerusalem (Israel)

But before all these, everyone is tight lipped on Puli release date. Absolutely none have any idea about Komaram Puli. The only news available is that Pawan Kalyan Puli is scheduled for September release.


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