Friendship DAY SMS Collection

ThanQ 4 touchng my life in ways u may nevr know.
My riches dont lie in material wealth,but in havng fren like u - a precious gift 4rm God!

 Fship is sweet wen its new,
Sweeter wen its tru,
but sweetst if its u.
Wen God gav frens,
Wen I got u,I got mor tan my share

  My girlfriend ran off with my best friend after a relationship of 4 years....Oh how I miss my friend.

 Friends are like mango... you'll never know which is sweet and which is not. Well I'm lucky coz I was able to find the sweetest mango in U!

 Wrong kind of ppl
dislikes u 4 gud in u
ri8 kind of ppl like u
known even bad in u.
Tat maks Frenshp strong


2 tablts of luv

2 tablts of care

Syrup of Smile

Twice daily..

My fees: 1 sms wenevr u think abt me!

1 Advice: Take Care
1 Request: Dont Change
1 Wish: Dont 4get Me
1 Lie: I Hate U
1 Truth: I Mis U
1 Hope: V vl Always B Gud Frens!

 Sweet Fruits Nice 2 Eat
Sweet Words Easy 2 Say
Sweet Friend Hard 2 Find
Its My Gudness How Did I 5nd U

A rose is always rose whether its in a golden pot or in d dust bin.Same way you are always my friend


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